- +91 9427711648
- info@modernhomeopathiccure.com
- Ahmedabad
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine which assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal itself. It acknowledges that all symptoms of ill health are a mere manifestation of the disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient that requires treatment and not the disease. It has been in existence worldwide for nearly two hundred years and its popularity is rising in the present day.
There are two ways of treating the sick individual. One is by the law of opposites and the other is by the law of Similars. Homeopathy works on the law of Similars. Simply, it means: -A medicine, which can produce sleeplessness in a healthy individual, can cure the complaint of sleeplessness in a sick individual. A medicine that can produce diarrhea in a healthy individual can cure a person suffering from diarrhea. The medicine once taken stimulates and enhances the body’s own mechanism to fight the disease. It corrects the body’s immunity, which in turn fights the disease.
The homeopath aims not at the disease but at raising your Immune Response. To target this, he needs to know your entire personality physically, intellectually, emotionally and also your subconscious. A collection of all these together help in the selection of the medicine. Hence the extensive case-taking that you undergo helps us to put all these aspects together.
THIS IS NOT TRUE! Homeopathy can give quick effective results within 5 to 10 minutes in severe gallstone, renal and abdominal colic. It can bring down temperatures in just 10 minutes in case of high fevers and works effectively in malaria, typhoid etc. However in chronic cases of arthritis, skin allergies, asthma etc. affecting the patient since 15-20 years the remedy must be given 6 months to a year to treat the problem effectively.
Any medicine that has effects has side effects. Homeopathic medication if taken without the supervision of a qualified Homeopath can have adverse effects. The reasons why our medication has no side-effects are as follows: • The quantity is minimum. • The remedy is prepared by serial dilutions to liberate its healing properties. This process is called potentisation where its physical quantity is reduced and its potential is enhanced. • The homeopath goes through a painstaking two-hour procedure to find the remedy most suited to your entire personality. It is this intricate detailed Similarity between the patient and his medication that nullifies any chances of side effects.
Avoid use of any external applications like balms, ointments etc., which have camphor or menthol in them. These are known to antidote the effect of the minimum dose. Besides they help only by causing counter irritation and diversion from the pain. Avoid strong perfumes. You can consume your regular tea and coffee but if you are not used to these things refrain from doing anything new during the course of the treatment. Do not stop any allopathic medication on your own. These medications have to be tapered down under medical supervision.
Our medication can be taken on empty stomach, after breakfast, after lunch or at anytime of the day. The only precaution is to keep the mouth clean before and after the dose. This is necessary to allow proper absorption of the medication through the tongue.
In some case we see a Homeopathic aggravation. This is a good sign in the course of your treatment. it will not discomfort you. At such times the symptoms intensify to a little degree before the problem settles down completely.
An old complaint that has been not taken care off might recur for a certain period of time during the course of the treatment. This is an important part of the healing process. Do not panic but inform your doctor immediately. These symptoms settle down completely. Sometimes a skin rash may appear during the course of the treatment. This is because as the treatment progress the disease is thrown from a more important internal organ to a less important outer part like the skin. Patients develop old skin problems like ringworm, eczema, boils, etc. depending on their susceptibility. By this time the internal problem has been resolved, the general level of well being is restored and the skin rash is also resolved in a short period of time.
You should find an improvement in all spheres:
• Your capacity to deal with stress, sensitive issues and your overall mental state.
We can help in every acute problem very effectively and you will not need to resort to any other form of treatment. The medicines given at this time are fast-acting and can relieve you of any discomfort ,pain etc. At times these episodes are very characteristic to the individual and help in understanding the longstanding complaint in a better way. Consequently the long-standing problem is helped better and the frequency of such acute episodes also reduces. We shall ourselves guide to a specialist if need be in times of crisis.
In case of emergency you may use the SOS PACKET provided to you by the doctor after consulting them on phone. An emergency medical kit is available at the clinic . It comes with necessary medication and instructions for its use. You may call up the doctor first.
The problem per se does not recur after the treatment. A mild episode of a chronic problem can recur sporadically due to undue physical or mental stress. However these episodes will be very rare and their intensity will be minimal. This is because the medication makes you capable of handling situations better and fighting your stress better.
Homeopathic medication can last very long when preserved in dry conditions and away from sunlight in a cool dark place. They must be discarded when they get moist or change colour to a yellow taint. We prescribe medication for overseas patients, patients on ship etc, for six months at a stretch. Please remember that the medication must be kept away from strong smelling substances like camphor, mint, menthol ,strong oils and perfumes etc.
Homeopathy has excellent result in infants even few days or months old. Infant colic, fevers, colds etc. can be well taken care of.
NO !! A well-selected Homeopathic remedy has the capacity to bring about a drastic change in the patients complaints. People at time feel that a steroid is used to bring about this change. But its not true, when the right remedy works, the patient not only sees a change in the complaints but also at the level of his general state, general well being which doesn’t happen when on steroids. Also long term use of steroids have their side effects like weight gain, moon face, excessive body hair to name a few. The commonly performed test to find out steroids is the “Colorimetric Method” test which gives a false positive result for any reducing sugar, aldehyde (Homeopathic medicines are sugar , lactose & alcohol based) . The best test to find out if the medicine contains steroids is the “LibermanBuchard” test. Thin layer chromatography method & a UV absorption method. This method helps in differentiating & finding out if the substance indeed contains steroids.
It does not! Contain steroid . This is again a misconception.
Steroids have a different mode of action, unlike homeopathy. Homeopathy acts via the PNEI (psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunological axis), thereby increasing one’s immunity and helping the body fight back the diseases. Whereas the role and action of steroids are very different.
If a patient is being given steroids (cortisone) for a long time (more than 30 days), then there would be side effects like swelling of the face or puffiness of the face, osteoporosis, development of diabetes, but none of such symptoms are seen in any patient as such indicating homoeopathy is free of steroids.
After a long-term homeopathic treatment, one can expect progressive improvement in their disease condition, decrease in the frequency of their acute ailments, better energy levels, improvement in their sleep, appetite and overall general well being and health.
Yes, it can be taken. In today’s world, so many people are suffering from disease conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hormonal and autoimmune diseases and mainly rely on allopathic medication as their first line of treatment. Therefore, discontinuing allopathic medicines altogether may have an adverse effect.
So the best way would be to continue them along with Homeopathic medicines and then gradually reduce the allopathic dosage under the guidance of an expert.
No! Definitely not. Homeopathy works as fast as any other mode of treatment.
Homeopathy works wonders in acute cases (For e.g. Fever, diarrhea, etc) and that too very quickly. Therefore, it acts slowly is a myth and misconception.
In some chronic cases, the time taken for cure is proportionate to the chronicity of the disease.
Homeopathy is in itself a complete science and could be used to treat any age group, disease and at times as a preventive in healthy individuals to boost their immunity.
Homeopathy can help most of the conditions. It not only cures the diseases but also successful in treating the drug-induced diseases as well.
Homeopathy has no side effects. Hence, it can safely be given to the newborn and pregnant women. It will eventually help them strengthen their immunity enabling them to cope with conditions better.
However, both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs have side effects. Side effects, also known as adverse reactions, are unwanted undesirable effects that are possibly related to a drug.
Fundamentally homoeopathic medicines are not steroids nor they contain steroids. Any committed, qualified and knowledgeable homoeopath need not use steroid or mix steroid preparation with homoeopathic medicines.
It takes several years in spite of receiving regular and dedicated homeopathic treatment. Several interfering factors present in your life also determine the span of time for homeopathic treatment will take to show results.
It is a myth that homeopathy is slow to act. In acute ailments like fever, diarrhea, acute infections etc, it acts as fast as conventional medicines, sometimes even faster.
It is a myth that homeopathy is slow to act. In acute ailments like fever, diarrhea, acute infections etc, it acts as fast as conventional medicines, sometimes even faster.
Naturally, these cases take longer to treat. Also, most people take recourse in homeopathy in cases of arthritis, allergic asthma or skin conditions etc., which take a longer time to treat with any other system of medicines. It is a myth that homeopathy is slow to act.
The expiration date of a drug is estimated using stability testing under good manufacturing practices as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Drug products marketed in the US typically have an expiration date that extends from 12 to 60 months from the time of manufacturer.
No Side effect..
you’re at increased risk of bacterial food poisoning. Your reaction might be more severe than if you weren’t pregnant. Rarely, food poisoning affects the baby, too.
What is true is that there is evidence that homeopathic remedies do not work any better than placebos. But placebos, and so in particular homeopathic placebos, do work – for a limited range of conditions.
Homeopathic Pills or tablets are not harsh or bitter, but comes in the form of a sugary sweet goodness. These pills are by nature sweet as they are mostly made out of sugars generally lactose. As medicine, a drop of the highly diluted substance is placed on the sugar tablet.
Hiring processes have lengthened for several reasons. For one thing, employers are requiring candidates to complete more assessments than they used to. Background checks and references have always been important for obvious reasons, but personality tests and skills assessments are common now as well.
Some medicines need to be taken “before food” or “on an empty stomach”. This is because food and some drinks can affect the way these medicines work. For example, taking some medicines at the same time as eating may prevent your stomach and intestines absorbing the medicine, making it less effective.
They invade living, normal cells and use those cells to multiply and produce other viruses like themselves. This can kill, damage, or change the cells and make you sick. Different viruses attack certain cells in your body such as your liver, respiratory system, or blood.
Some time to rest and virus are not working in body saw you can enjoy travel..
Yes the patient is only advised to avoid eating or drinking 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathic medication. One has to avoid coffee, raw onion and raw garlic. Also avoid eating mint, camphor and menthol as these can hinder the action of the homeopathic medicine or antidote the effects of the medicine.
Yes. It is always better to take homeopathic medicines from a qualified homeopathic doctor. If the treatment is planned in a proper way it will have lots of benefits to the mother and the child. The child will be much healthier and the medicines will help to fight the hereditary diseases which are carried from generation to generation. In fact if homeopathy is given during pregnancy, the delivery would be normal and easier. The child will be relatively healthier and emotionally well balanced, intellectually sound and physically stronger.
Yes. It is very essential to diagnose a disease, but for the selection of the remedy we require to know the characteristic symptoms of the patient and not the disease symptoms. For e.g. If a person is having an attack of asthma, he will be having wheezing and congestion of the chest and he gets relief only if he throws his head backwards. Wheezing and congestion of chest are symptoms of the disease but for the selection of the remedy the important symptom is ‘relief by throwing head backwards’. Hence to differentiate the disease symptoms with the individual characteristic symptoms good knowledge of disease is important. The pathological investigations are also important to judge the improvement, know disease diagnosis and the prognosis.
The name of the medicine is not disclosed for the benefit of the patient. If the patient after knowing the name of the medicines starts taking it according to his or her whims and fancies; it will distort the disease picture and in the future treatment of the patient will be much more difficult. Also certain medicines have to be changed and given as per the state of the disease and recovery. If the patient wants a copy of case record can be provided to the patient but at the end of the treatment, when patient has completely recovered or decides to stop or change the physician.
If the patient has any doubts he should check the medicines from a standard laboratory before consuming any quantity. All Homoeopathic medicines are prepared by using scientific predefined methods of extracting the medicinal properties from source substances. There is no scope or need to adulterate the derived medicines with any other substances, as this would completely obliterate the curative properties of the same. The prescription of homeopathic medicines is based on the similarity of the symptoms of the patient with those produced by the drug (in its purest form) when proved (clinical trials) in healthy individuals. So any addition to the original medicine would completely alter its medicinal properties and hence alter it non-curative. Also if steroid is added the medicines will taste bitter. No. It is a misconception that has been developing in the recent times. Due in many cases after seeing the improvement in a very short time people think that homeopaths give steroids.
The time taken for the cure is proportionate to the chronicity of the ailment. In fact if a patient seeks homeopathic treatment at the onset of an ailment, he stands great chances of a really quick recovery. Also in acute illnesses homeopathic medicines act fast and effectively. For e.g. if “X” is suffering from bronchial asthma and he is suffering for the last 14 years and has been to various systems of medicine. Now if you give him homeopathy and say in 2 year’s time the patient is completely alright – Please tell us which one is slower? It is a myth that medicines act slowly. Its action is quick and the effect lasts much longer, often forever. The disease is cured from its roots. With most of the other systems of medicine symptoms are merely palliated or at times suppressed while in Homeopathy they are cured for good.
Usually not. The duration of the treatment depends upon the nature of the disease and the fighting capacity of the patient’s body. The treatment is required for a certain time period so as to improve the resistance of the body to fight diseases. Taking into consideration all these factors the treatment is continued for a certain time frame for the benefit of the patient. Once the patient starts improving we stop the medicines and the natural immunity and control mechanism of the body will take care of the rest of the problems.
There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine so minimum 30,000 various permutation and combinations are utilized. What seems so is not true. The white pills which are dispensed from a homeopath are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicines that is sprinkled on them. When the actual drug is poured on these white pills they get coated with the curative power of the drug. Different drugs are usually poured in various differing potencies as to best suit different patients.
No. The pills of Homeopathic medicines are made from sugar but they work only as vehicles. Actual liquid medicine prepared from various natural medicinal substances, is poured over the pills and dispensed as medications. Homeopathic medicines are also available in liquid form or tinctures, which can be administered directly or by diluting them in water whenever required.
Yes. There are more than 180 homeopathic medical colleges in India and about 1000 colleges all over the world recognized by their respective Governments. The degree course is an extensive study encompassing the detailed and thorough study of the human body, Homeopathic pharmacy, Medicine, Gynaecology, Materia Medica, Philosophy, Total patient management etc. In India the full course lasts for four and half years followed by internship for 1year, which includes practical training in hospitals. There are now also postgraduate courses available in India. One must register with the Medical Council to practice legally.
It definitely is. Homeopathy is a science based on sound logic and vast experimental data. Homeopathy is the only medicinal science where data has been collected by proving on human beings and not on animals because human beings can communicate their actual feelings during the testing while animals cannot. The principles of Homeopathy have been derived and authenticated by vast clinical experiments and data. The homeopathic medicines are prepared in a standardized manner. The homeopathic pharmacopoeia lists more than 3000 remedies, whose clinical efficiency has been proved in various clinical trials conducted all over the world.
Homeopathy is holistic medicine. Homeopaths do not treat physical, emotional and mental illnesses separately, but regard them as intimately connected. These are all aspects of the whole of the patient’s suffering. Further, they understand that symptoms of illnesses are evidence of the body’s natural and automatic efforts to heal itself. These clues are used to guide them when prescribing a remedy. So, the patient may be asked questions about all sorts of apparently minor deviations from health and about character and personality traits. It may appear that the homeopath is interested in matters that have little to do with the particular complaint about which the patient is most concerned. This is because, before prescribing, the homeopath wants a complete overview of the patient. A remedy is then prescribed for that individual patient and not for his or her disease. Therefore, homeopathy is truly holistic.
A homeopathic remedy acts as a signal which energizes or stimulates the body’s healing power, mobilizing the defence systems and working in the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the being. Just as a television produces images of the program it has been tuned, so is a sick person very much in tune or sensitive to the correct remedy and only a minute stimulus from the correct signal (or remedy) is required. Therefore, in homeopathy, only one remedy (or signal) is used at a time. The idea is to cure with the minimum amount of medicine and with the minimum amount of intervention. For the same reason, it is not possible to take an overdose of homeopathic remedies in the same way as in allopathy. Homeopathic remedies are not therefore intrinsically dangerous. Nonetheless, they are clearly capable of stimulating the body’s reactive forces powerfully and should be treated with respect Homeopathy remedies are prescribed to the Law of Similars which states” That which makes sick shall heal”. For instance, we know that when cutting a strong smelling onion we often experience an acrid running nose, a soreness in the throats and stinging, watery eyes. A homeopath will prescribe Allium cepa (made from onion) for patients who suffer from cold and a sore throat with similar symptoms. This Law of Similar has been part of medical practice since ancient times but homeopathy (similar & suffering) as we know it today was first formulated two hundred years ago by a German physician, chemist and linguist, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.